Sunday, July 1, 2007

Staff Training @ FABE

Last week all of the staff @ FABE organized and successfully held a one week staff training. IT's was really fun and such a benefit to me and all of us. We talked on many subject and focused in many area especially the situation with problematic students. I was very interested in the topic on how to motivate and inspire student expacially in architecture field since lots of people nowadayz have a negative view on being an arhitect. Actually, it just a matter that the person who gave the bad view were the person who has bad experiences in the architecture field......wherelse, actually, there are lots of architect did very well with their matter during inflation....Actually stay up in architecture field is a fact.....yup!!! But stay up in what way?...Stay up with urgency...and urgency is not happen, anage your time properly.....No matter how, we need new generation to prolong our profession in the long as there are human beings.......architecture is still needed out there.....just look at England....has developed for so many years....earlier that Malaysia....architecture is still exist..So, let's share some of the photos......Bye

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